classic lupe verse

Or is it something they can never believe?
Or is it something you can never achieve?
Is it
Beyond your means?
Is it
Inside your dreams?
Can it
Never come out cause it’s scared to
Unprepared to
Too worried about the words of the people it’s weird to
You don’t want them to hear you
You just wish there was a door that would appear that you can go disappear through

Well I’m feeling your pain
I was feeling the same
But I said I’d never feel that again


[tweetmeme source= “dapper_debonair” only_single=false]

~ by b.clarke.ddsc on August 16, 2010.

2 Responses to “classic lupe verse”

  1. nice lyrics. sometimes is easier for the moment to make an agreement with self to never feel pain again. the problem is, only when you look pain in the face and grieve its discomfort, can you move on.

  2. This man. . . what a storyteller. His lyrics always paint the most vivid pictures in my mind.

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