Order Your Toronto Art Saves Ticket Online

•October 29, 2010 • Leave a Comment

For more event information visit torontoartsaves.com. Thank you for the support!


Chris Steinbach

•October 29, 2010 • Leave a Comment

Two things: Chris Steinbach does unreal work and I think I have a serious crush on his model. Do you have anything bad to say about Chris Steinbach’s work?


James Blake – Limit To Your Love

•October 28, 2010 • Leave a Comment

Rarely do I ever like covers over the originals but I have to give credit to UK producer James Blake on this one. Although the Feist version is pretty spectacular, Blake takes this track to a different level. He makes it so much more powerful and in the worlds of Joe Colly of Pitchfork.com “His approach is so minimal that it’s almost cocky”. Using his incredible voice and by implementing pauses, James Blake is almost being boastful with his talent. Check out what Pitchfork had to say about him.


Lunettes Kollektion

•October 28, 2010 • Leave a Comment


“Vintage inspired design with a contemporary twist, spiced up with a generous dash of Berlin-esque savoir faire”. Founded in 2009 the new brand has released their latest eyewear collection that features 100% original Italian acetate, 100% solid alpaca hinges, 100% solid steel screws and 100% sustainable production. Check out more of their collection on their website Lunettes-Kollektion.



•October 27, 2010 • 1 Comment

Tesseomancy is an up-and-coming indie band composed of twin sisters out of Halifax, Nova Scotia. The two very talented sisters, Sari and Romy Lightman classify the music as gothic / healing & easylistening / Japanese classic music. All the unique genres come together to form an original dark folk sound. If your just relaxing late at night and feel like something to calm you down then check out their song soft feet above. They performed it live on Toronto Island at the On Sunday, July 18th at a festival called the Poor Pilgrim. To hear more of their music or for more information check out their myspace.



•October 27, 2010 • Leave a Comment

I hope of you had the chance to catch my Lakers grabbing their championship hardware. I got lucky and found pictures of the ring up close and personal and man is this thing stunning. Hi-Res pictures courtesy of @DimeMag DOT com.

First of all, its gargantuan. You could probably wear this thing on 3 fingers. It’s made of 16K Gold & sports 16 oversized diamonds, signifying ever championship won to date, ONTOP of the fact that it has diamonds filling every other crack and crevasse.

Second of all, as if it was a big enough slap in the face that they won, it also has the # of games they won in each series, and the final score of the championship game.

Third of all, for the first time in history (I believe I read) the ring sports a piece of the game 7 ball. How absolutely gangster is that. When people refer to things as being “G”… no no… THAT, is G. Paul Pierce had an interview the other night discussing his disgust of losing that game and how it will always haunt him. Well Pauly, I’m sure it’ll haunt you more down the road, when you and Kobe are both retired, and are sitting down for a beer and he says “Hey remember that basketball we both touched, in the very last game possible of the furthest series possible, of a rubber match dating back 2 years, in the championship game? Ya its in my ring”. Boom.


The 4th and probably craziest thing, mind you quite a piece of overkill, is the fact that each player has their faced etched in 3D on the ring. I mean, they thought of EVERYTHING for this championship ring. Kareem was quoted as saying this ring by itself, is worth more than the 5 rings he won together.

But one of the greatest stories that I read about, was the fact that Ron Artest purchased his ring 3 sizes too small. Why? He’s decided to auction of his ONLY championship ring, that he’s basically overcome all odds to get to, in order to raise money for mental health funding in public schools. At the same time, he’s set a goal for himself to win his second ring to get it back. Lee Jenkins of SI.com said it best when he wrote “Ron Artest gave up his championship ring to leave him yearning for another one, this season”. We talk about the drive, the hustle, the mental focus, but I don’t know of something that could act as more of driving factor than giving away the one thing you’ve fought so hard to get your entire life for a great cause.

Sidenote: He’s said to already been offered $50,000-$100,000 for it and he’s turned it out.



Dee’s Photography

•October 26, 2010 • Leave a Comment

May I introduce you to the photography of Deanna Reesor. “Dee” is currently working and studying in Quebec City. She is a good friend of the dapperlifestyle team and an artistic contributor to Toronto Art Saves. Look for her work at the event or check out her flickr photostream

– D

Dominate Another Day.

•October 26, 2010 • Leave a Comment

LBJ’s was better.


Paintings by Andrew Hem

•October 26, 2010 • Leave a Comment

The talents of Andrew Hem. To see more of paintings and work visit his website andrewhem



•October 25, 2010 • Leave a Comment

Ask Gbell, I’m a HUGE LBJ critic.. but this nike ad is amazing.
